Applicant has to fill up the Online Reciprocal Registration form by logging in to

Applicant has to book their schedule for the online verification from the array of dates by logging into the Reciprocal Registration Portal



01. One Printed Copy of the Online Application Form.

02. One Printed Copy of Acknowledge Slip.

03. 02(two) copies of Registration Certificates issued by the parent council with their renewal up to date. In case of multiple registrations (if a candidate holds the registration certificates of more than one state nursing council at a time), the candidate must have to ensure the cancellation of all the previous registration certificates. The candidates shall have to produce a supporting document for the said cancellation/s.

04. For GNM candidates, 01(one) copy of the Diploma Certificate issued by the parent council and for B.Sc. (Nursing) candidates, 01(one) copy of the Degree Certificate issued by the concerned university. No Provisional Diploma/Degree Certificate will be allowed.

05. Course Completion Certificate issued by the concerned State Nursing Council/University.

06. 01(one) copy of the Admit Card of Secondary Examination or Birth Certificate for date of birth and father’s name.

07. A Still Working Certificate(in original) with 06 (Six) month experience issued in a current date(within 01 month from the date of its issuance) by the employing authority of the Private Hospital/Nursing Home the candidate is working in West Bengal.

08. The Still Working Certificate (in original) must be in the Official Pad of the Employer along with the Employer’s Office Seal & Signature on it. 

09. Candidate has to submit the 06 (Six) Months Pay Slip updated upto the current month in the Official Pad of the Employer along with the Employer's Office Seal & Signature on it.

10. 01(one) copy of the mark sheet of Higher Secondary (10+2) examination.

11. SNRC Affiliation List of Admission Academic Year where the Institution name is mentioned.

12. Indian Nursing Council Withdrwal list where the Institution name is not mentioned



01. A candidate of GNM course must secure 40% marks in a combination of English, the vernacular subject and any 03(three) compulsory subjects. Optional subjects may be allowed. A candidate of B.Sc. (Nursing) course must ensure 45% marks in a combination of English, Physics, Chemistry & Biology. The candidate also must ensure pass marks separately in theory & practical parts of the concerned individual subjects.

02. It is to be noted that every candidate (both B.Sc. Ng. & GNM and General or Reserved category), apart from the stated criteria, must ensure pass marks in English individually as per the norm of INC.

03. However, a relaxation of 5% marks only may be allowed to the SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates of B.Sc. (Nursing) course on submission of Caste Certificate. No relaxation of marks will be entertained for the candidates of GNM course and no relaxation of mark in English subject will be entertained.

04. 3 / 3 ½ years course examination mark sheets for GNM candidates and 04(four) years mark sheets for B.Sc. (Nursing) candidates. In each course, a candidate must secure 50% marks separately in internal & external parts of theory & practical of each individual subject in every year. Mark sheets with combined marks will not be accepted.

05. Subject & marks criteria must obey the guidelines as set by Indian Nursing Council.

06. The candidates of GNM & B.Sc. (Nursing) course are only eligible to apply for Reciprocal registration.

07. The Institute from where the candidate has been passed, must be included in the Indian Nursing Council Affiliation list, Otherwise their Reciprocal Registration Application Form could not be accepted.

08. The candidates also have to produce the original of all the above mentioned documents for verification.

09. Rs.2,050/-(Rupees Two thousand and Fifty) only by SBI COLLECT (with effect from 01st April, 2021) only being the fee for Reciprocal Registration.

N.B: Along with all documents needed for online verification, candidates may be asked to provide the Employee ID Card, if needed. All the Candidates are advised to carry the original Employee ID Card with them.

All the Candidates are being requested to visit the office of the West Bengal Nursing Council within 12pm on their scheduled dates for verification of the documents regarding Reciprocal Registration. No candidates are allowed to submit their documents after 12pm. The candidates who fail to appear within 12pm are being advised to log in to the portal and register themselves for another verification date from the available date slots.

All the candidates are being advised to visit the council on their scheduled date for the document verification of Reciprocal Registration. If unable to visit on the scheduled date, candidates have to schedule their verification date again by logging into the portal. No alternative date will be issued by the council.